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Instructional Associate

サウジアラビア王国 申し込む
Job ID 6562180 Locations: Saudi Arabia , 事業部General Assembly 部門Temp Instructors

Since 2011, General Assembly has transformed tens of thousands of careers through pioneering, experiential education in today’s most in-demand skills. As featured in The Economist, Wired, and The New York Times, GA offers training in web development, data, design, business, and more, both online and at campuses around the world. Our global professional community boasts 60,000 full- and part-time alumni — and counting. In addition to fostering career growth for individuals, GA helps employers cultivate top tech talent and spur innovation by transforming their teams through strategic learning. More than 21,000 employees at elite companies worldwide have honed their digital fluency with our upskilling and reskilling initiatives. GA has also been recognized as one of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500, and Fast Company has dubbed us leaders in World-Changing Ideas as well as the #1 Most Innovative Company in Education.

GA is at the leading edge of creating practical solutions to one of the most pressing challenges of our time - the future of work. As recognized by The World Economic Forum, BCG, the OECD and more, these are big challenges to which only a few companies are offering real solutions. In this role, you'll be speaking every day to corporate leaders who rely on GA to help them apply these solutions to their workforce of the future. 


Location: Saudi Arabia

Dates: February 9th - April 5th

The Role

We deliver more than just skills training, and are looking for mentors who share our vision for a community of lifelong learners pursuing work that they love. As an Instructional Associate for one of our immersive programs, you will work directly with the students outside of class assisting them with homework and projects:


  • Work directly with students to help guide them through a rigorous, transformational journey towards junior roles in a new field.
  • Become a better teacher, leader, and mentor as you learn from our world-class instructional coaches.
  • Inspire and support students as they identify their passions and drive their own continued learning beyond the curriculum.
  • Be a part of facilitating a safe, supportive, and energetic community that welcomes the various needs and learning styles of the students.


  • Directing Others
  • Approachability
  • Learning on the Fly
  • Patience
  • Technical Skills


Unless otherwise noted, remote positions can be performed from the following approved General Assembly operating countries.

United States of America (states of operation may vary), Canada (provinces of operation may vary), United Kingdom, Australia, and Singapore.

Posting date: 01-21-2025



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